Tuesday, March 30, 2010

May Arts Challenge

Here are some things I worked on for May Arts Challenge. This is right up my ally because I LOVE ribbon!! I love it! I don't think I use it enough because, yes, I hoard it! But I am coming to realize I have so much stuff, including ribbon, that I am going to do my best to use it. I mean, why let it sit there?? Put it on something to make it beautiful so other's can enjoy. So that is MY challenge. Use what I have and try not to hoard anymore. Yea, I know, easier said that done. :) Okay on to my creations..

This is my Mother's Day frame:
I started with a picture frame I bought on clearance at Hobby Lobby (first time I have ever been there and I was in awww) when I was in Charlotte this past weekend. It has some cushion under the pink fabric and I thought it would hold the ribbon in place nicely. I layered the ribbon around the edges and then put it back together. I loved the green backing and though it would look very nice with the rich purple ribbon. I printed off a poem from the internet, and viola, a nice present for my mom for Mother's Day.

And here is My Ribbon Fund jar:
I knew what I wanted to do in making a jar to hold change. I started with an empty cottage cheese container but the way the sides sloped down, I had a hard time getting paper to fit just right. Then I emptied a jar of peanut butter and saw the sides were straight all the way down. I quickly cleaned it and started working on my change jar. I loved how it turned out and can't wait to fill it so I can purchase more ribbon because I love ribbon so!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

And more...These are the last...lol

And more

More Layouts

Scrapbook pages

Allen has told me since I have my own blog about my crafty items that I needed to take pictures of all my layouts and post them here so I would have them all in one place. Well I can only upload 5 pictures at a time so I will do what I can with each entry. I was showing all my layouts to a friend and I counted 33 up until this weekend when I did 8. WooHoo!! I didn't realize how many I had done so far this year. My goal is to make 100. Wish me luck! :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Creativity and Love blogspot

Check this giveaway out! She is giving away $50 in embellies. What a generous prize. And if you check out her Etsy shop, what beautiful stuff!! Have a good one!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

ScrapFIT submission

Over at ScrapFIT,link is the title, they are doing an AAM, All About Me, challenge that is due today, 3-14-20, at midnight. This is right up my ally since I am working on my All About Me album. This challenge is perfect!! I always my own worst critic, and there are elements I don't like about the layout, but I really like my homemade flower from Allen's dry cleaning tags. Isn't it cute? I made my own embelishment!! I pat myself on the back for that one. TeeHee Check out what I did. The first picture is small because it is a 2-pager, but you can click on it and see it much bigger. LOL

Here is what the journaling says:
7:00 – Get up from my slumber. Take my shower, get dressed, make lunches for the kids, wake them up (again and again), help them get breakfast, make sure all are dressed and book bags are by the door.
8:20-8:40 – Andrew and Emma on the bus. After they are on the bus, get Ian ready for preschool and finish up last minute chores.
9:05-9:20 – Ian to preschool. After he is dropped off, then I run errands. I drop off clothes at the cleaners, go grocery shopping at Harris Teeter, Lowe’s Foods, Aldi, or BJ’s, get the van filled with gas, go to the mall to shop at Archiver’s, go to other craft stores, go to the post office, attend a play group with Erin, or any other errand I have for that day.
11:50-12:05 – Pick up Ian from preschool. Then we go home. I will fix them lunch and while they are eating, I may check my email or check Facebook. I may even put a load of clothes in the washer. After this, I may get me something to eat. I even will play with the kids a little.
2:00ish – Lay Erin down for a nap. Play with Ian for a little while. This is more likely when I get something to eat for lunch. I may try to do a little crafting. I may even do some laundry or other housework.
4:00 – Andrew and Emma get home from school. Try to help with school work. Try to figure out what is for dinner. Crafting???
6:00-7:00 – Allen gets home and we usually have dinner. After dinner, I may help with cleaning up and getting the kids a bath. But Allen usually does this. He will even put the kids to bed. It is his time with them since he hasn’t seen them during the day.
8:30-9:00 – Kids are put to bed. After they are in bed, Allen and I will either putz on the computer, watch some TV or a movie together, I may scrapbook and he will play his hacking game.
11:00-1:00AM – I usually go to bed during this time and watch the back of my eyelids. Allen has timed me before and I can fall asleep in less than 1 ½ minutes if I am really tired.

This blog is for...

all my crafting creations by either stampin' or scrappin'. I will also post items here that I have made for submissions from various crafty sites. I am new at blogging my projects so forgive me if I don't know what I am doing. Maybe I should post the items I use, that is if I have time and I actually remember where they came from or their names. LOL I hope all who see this blog enjoys what I have done. Happy crafting!!! :)