Voting going on at Glue Arts on Facebook. I submitted a picture of my two littlest ones and there is a $100 gift card on the line. I doubt I will win because one photo has 100 comments already and there is still 2 days to vote. If you like my picture, please vote! I would appreciate it!
Voting going on at May Arts. I entered a Halloween challenge and they are taking comments on their favorites and the winner will be announced on the 21st. That is one day before my mom's birthday. Wouldn't it be awesome to win a beautiful spool of May Arts ribbon?? They do have the best ribbon and I love to use it!! And I have been known to share. Just ask!!
There is a crop going on this weekend at Life Preservers Scrapbooking Club. I love these crops because I get so much done and I am totally out of my comfort zone on some of these challenges. I will be absent on Saturday because hubby and I are going to see Dave Ramsey at the RBC center. He wants to get there early as he heard they are giving away prizes and such. Then I will race home and play on LPS!!! Won't you join us??
That's all I can think of now. Have a great day/week/October! I really hope to see you soon!!!