Here is what the journaling says:
7:00 – Get up from my slumber. Take my shower, get dressed, make lunches for the kids, wake them up (again and again), help them get breakfast, make sure all are dressed and book bags are by the door.
8:20-8:40 – Andrew and Emma on the bus. After they are on the bus, get Ian ready for preschool and finish up last minute chores.
9:05-9:20 – Ian to preschool. After he is dropped off, then I run errands. I drop off clothes at the cleaners, go grocery shopping at Harris Teeter, Lowe’s Foods, Aldi, or BJ’s, get the van filled with gas, go to the mall to shop at Archiver’s, go to other craft stores, go to the post office, attend a play group with Erin, or any other errand I have for that day.
11:50-12:05 – Pick up Ian from preschool. Then we go home. I will fix them lunch and while they are eating, I may check my email or check Facebook. I may even put a load of clothes in the washer. After this, I may get me something to eat. I even will play with the kids a little.
2:00ish – Lay Erin down for a nap. Play with Ian for a little while. This is more likely when I get something to eat for lunch. I may try to do a little crafting. I may even do some laundry or other housework.
4:00 – Andrew and Emma get home from school. Try to help with school work. Try to figure out what is for dinner. Crafting???
6:00-7:00 – Allen gets home and we usually have dinner. After dinner, I may help with cleaning up and getting the kids a bath. But Allen usually does this. He will even put the kids to bed. It is his time with them since he hasn’t seen them during the day.
8:30-9:00 – Kids are put to bed. After they are in bed, Allen and I will either putz on the computer, watch some TV or a movie together, I may scrapbook and he will play his hacking game.
11:00-1:00AM – I usually go to bed during this time and watch the back of my eyelids. Allen has timed me before and I can fall asleep in less than 1 ½ minutes if I am really tired.
I love your layout Jennifer!! I like how you journaled your typical day and all of the every day photos that you used too!
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing along with us at ScrapFit!!
Love your LO!!! The title work and journaling is awesome!