Love to make things with my punches. See the angels?? Yep, punches! I am trying to use up some older paper that is retired and this is what I came up with. Not to happy with the card on the left but the one on the right, I went with it! I made many a card with it. Only thing I didn't do with the assembly line is put the halos on their heads. Not sure if I like them or not. So...just imagine...the remaining cards without halos. I really liked how they looked with out them. Yep, will use them for my Christmas cards this year.
My place to share with you my creations from cards to scrapbook layouts to whatever tickles my fancy!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Winter cards
Remember the stamp set from yesterday, Season of Friendship, that I used for the fall cards? Well here is one for winter. See that cute bird?? So adorable! I love this set because it is so versatile! Have a great day!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Fall cards
Here are a few fall cards I made. The designer paper is retired but I still have a few pieces left. The ribbon is retired as well but I love the chocolate brown. I LOVE this stamp set because it can be used for spring, fall, winter, and has this really cute bird! Love birds!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Priceless moments
Here is a scrapbook page that I did that incorporates this adorable lion. Isn't he cute?? I made him from punches. I used circle punches, scallop circle for his main punched twice, oval for his tail and legs, and then just used a pen for his mouth. Love him!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Awesome new deal to become a Stampin' Up! demonstrator

What do you call it when you get over $310 in crafting and business supplies for only
$87.50? You can call it an amazing deal, but we’re calling it an amazing opportunity! From November 15-30, you can purchase either our Standard or Digital+ Starter Kits at 50 percent off the regular retail price of $175 (plus freeshipping!), and enjoy these great benefits as a
Stampin’ Up!® demonstrator.
Demonstrator Starter Kit for 50% off!
Monday, November 8, 2010
May Arts
I am so thankful for being one of the 10 winners selected for my Halloween projects I entered with May Arts. I wasn't the grand prize winner, and win 3 spools of ribbon, but I won one and I am so estatic!!! Now they are having their "show me your plaid" Christmas craft challenge. I put in my request for ribbons and I received them today! Now I have to think of my project/s using my new beautiful ribbons. Until then, check out what I had at my friends Holiday Open House this weekend. Let's just say, it was a learning experience being among all those professional ladies. I had fun though!!!! Isn't that what it is all about???
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Going ons...
Voting going on at Glue Arts on Facebook. I submitted a picture of my two littlest ones and there is a $100 gift card on the line. I doubt I will win because one photo has 100 comments already and there is still 2 days to vote. If you like my picture, please vote! I would appreciate it!
Voting going on at May Arts. I entered a Halloween challenge and they are taking comments on their favorites and the winner will be announced on the 21st. That is one day before my mom's birthday. Wouldn't it be awesome to win a beautiful spool of May Arts ribbon?? They do have the best ribbon and I love to use it!! And I have been known to share. Just ask!!
There is a crop going on this weekend at Life Preservers Scrapbooking Club. I love these crops because I get so much done and I am totally out of my comfort zone on some of these challenges. I will be absent on Saturday because hubby and I are going to see Dave Ramsey at the RBC center. He wants to get there early as he heard they are giving away prizes and such. Then I will race home and play on LPS!!! Won't you join us??
That's all I can think of now. Have a great day/week/October! I really hope to see you soon!!!
Voting going on at May Arts. I entered a Halloween challenge and they are taking comments on their favorites and the winner will be announced on the 21st. That is one day before my mom's birthday. Wouldn't it be awesome to win a beautiful spool of May Arts ribbon?? They do have the best ribbon and I love to use it!! And I have been known to share. Just ask!!
There is a crop going on this weekend at Life Preservers Scrapbooking Club. I love these crops because I get so much done and I am totally out of my comfort zone on some of these challenges. I will be absent on Saturday because hubby and I are going to see Dave Ramsey at the RBC center. He wants to get there early as he heard they are giving away prizes and such. Then I will race home and play on LPS!!! Won't you join us??
That's all I can think of now. Have a great day/week/October! I really hope to see you soon!!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Getting crafty again!!!
I am so excited! I think some of my craftiness has returned! It has been MIA for quite a while now and I have really been worried about it! I decided to do a Halloween challenge over at May Arts to hopefully get my juices flowing. Well did they ever! I have done 5 projects so far! WOO HOO!! I have also done a layout for a contest over at Life Preserver's Scrapbook Club, where I am a member, to help my scrapbooking along. I will have to wait until later to post the layout because it is a contest and I can't show you right now. LOL :) BUT, here are my entries for May Arts. Enjoy!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Leftover school pictures
Who doesn't have oodles of them?? But, look what I made today!!!!! I am so excited!!! I have been so uncrafty lately, wanted to but couldn't get the umph to actually do it. Well today I did something and love how they turned out. Who doesn't have left over school pictures of your kids? I do (raises hand)!!! Got this new set from SU and just love it. It is called First Day. I really debated about getting it because honestly, do I really need another stamp set??? Well I am so into the school thing right now so I bought it. Nothing like waiting till the mini catalog expires on Aug 31st, huh?? I can't wait to do more of these. I will do their spring picture on the left side and their fall picture on the right. I am planning to put rings in the holes so it will lay flat when the kids look at it. I just sent an email to my crafty friends about coming over Monday morning to see if they wanted to do a page. I don't want my mojo to leave just yet and they have a way to fuel it. Aren't friends good like that?? I will take a picture of the front cover when it is completed. It is gonna be so cute! I have the idea in my head of what it will look like. Let's just hope it turns out the same way I see it in my mind!! :)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hi everyone! I had some surgery this past Friday and it has really affected me and is causing me to do nothing! It is really killing me because I am such an on the go person! I can't do household chores for the next 2-3 weeks and I can't sweep, mop, or even vacuum for the next 6 weeks. What's a girl to do?? I hope to get back into some crafting here soon. I really miss it! So...until next time...Have a sweet day and SMILE!! :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
May Arts challenge
So I just completed the July Challenge over at May Arts blog and I would love to post it here but not sure if that is okay or not. The winner will be announced on August 10th, Andrew's birthday, so I will wait it out until then. Then I will show you the layout page and card I made with their ribbon. I love it! I used sheer butterfly ribbon, purple faux ribbon, and white wrinkled ribbon. I love it, if I do say so myself!!! If you can't love it, who else will??? Right???
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Sneak Peaks all over FaceBook
The time has come for so many peaks at all the new things in scrapbooking. I will be listing a few over the next few days/weeks. There are some awesome examples with the new stuff coming out so please check each link out. Who knows, leave a comment at the different manufactures and you might actually win a prize from them. Wouldn't that be F A B U L O U S?????
First up Maya Road. Today is their 2nd day with sneaks and it is all about chipboard. Love the flower edge layer book and the pennant chipboard. Love all the exampls too!! Check them out!!
First up Maya Road. Today is their 2nd day with sneaks and it is all about chipboard. Love the flower edge layer book and the pennant chipboard. Love all the exampls too!! Check them out!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Life Preservers Scrapbook Club Challenge
WOW! Three post in one far. :) I was checking out the Life Preserver's Blog while getting links for my other post and came across a challenge. I remember seeing it when they posted it, thought to do it, forgot about it, and...well... here we are. LOL I looked through my last 2 weeks of layouts I have done (you know the ones with the older photos) and I found one that fits the challenge. Talked about shocked. Must have been in my subconscious the whole time! LOL This is a picture of Emma when she was just a baby, 2003. She was my only one that took a pacy. The 2 older ones never took a pacy or sucked their thumb. The other three are thumb suckers! At least Andrew quit just before he turned 8! He has almost been 1 year free of thumb sucking! Now to get the other two to quit, but I am sure that is a long way off. Oh well, it IS cute sometimes! Especially when they are sleeping. :)
What I have been doing...
I have been going through some really old photos trying to get some of my pictures into layouts. I have also been tyring to use papers that were provided as page kits from Archivers (from my scrap nights) that I hadn't put together, some Life Preservers Scrapbook Club kits that are just sitting on the shelf, some Stampin' Up! retired Simply Scrappin' Kits (and it looks like I will go inactive this month because I haven't met my sales quota) or just layouts in general that didn't have photos. I was amazed at how many pages I hadn't put pictures on. So...I have been really productive this past 2 weekends and have gotten a total of 20 so far and this weekend isn't even over!! I did 13 last Saturday when I went scrapping with my mom (well we did stay up till 4 AM - again!!) and I did 7 last night when I was scrapping with friends ( I went to bed around 12:30 and only stickled a snowflake so it would dry overnight). I feel I have been so productive but looking at all my pictures that still sit in boxes, I get overwhelmed. BUT, I have to tell myself, I really got into my scrapbooking in Feb of 09 so I have done really well so far. Yeah Me!!! I think I have come a long way baby! I may still have minimal layouts compared to others, but I am doing it my way and I like it. I love when the kids look at my pages and laugh at theirselves or whoever is in the pictures. They can't read the writing because it is in cursive but that is okay. The time will come when they are able to read the stories and enjoy that too. Until the next post....yea, I know!!!
Where have I been?
Not here, obviously!! I am sorry haven't posted in a while. I will try to come back and post some pictures of some layouts I have done in the past few weeks. I sat down recently and put my layouts in the albums and I couldn't believe I had done 65 already this year. Last year I completed 71 layouts and this year, my goal was to do 100. I am so well on my way!! I completed 13 last weekend and 7 last night so that makes...85!!! WOOHOO!!! And it is only July!! Okay, be back soon to show you. But here is the last one I did...Yep, I was 40 back in Feb and I finally did a layout. All the black elements are shiny, even the think bubble! :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
I won!!!!
OMW, I can't believe I won!!! I was just checking emails and facebook and then decided to check May Arts because I knew they were announcing their contest winners. And low and behold, the first picture I see is my little Erin on the layout I did for them. I read a little bit and I WON!!! Oh...I am so excited!!! I will post my pictures when I get home ( I have a MOMS Club meeting and we are voting for our new board - I am going OUT as the secretary) so all of you can see my creations. I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!! If you can't wait, click on the link above and then click Blog! Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day!!!! :) :) :)
Okay, I was able to post one. I am not sure what folder I put the rest in. BBL!!!
**Update**Here are the other two submissions
Friday, May 21, 2010
i top
Check it out!
Okay, I seriously don't know what I am doing. I saw a widget on a post. They said to post it to your blog and win. I tried that and it isn't working for me. Don't know what I am doing wrong. Will keep trying. LOL :)
Okay, I seriously don't know what I am doing. I saw a widget on a post. They said to post it to your blog and win. I tried that and it isn't working for me. Don't know what I am doing wrong. Will keep trying. LOL :)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wanna win this????
If so, click this link and post a comment. Aren't they georgeous??????
OH POOH!! I don't know what I am doing here! LOL I tried to add a picture but no go. I think the link will give you a picture of what you can win. And the "wanna win this" will take you to the website. Good luck!
OH POOH!! I don't know what I am doing here! LOL I tried to add a picture but no go. I think the link will give you a picture of what you can win. And the "wanna win this" will take you to the website. Good luck!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Out of town
I haven't done any crafting lately as I have been out of town helping a friend who had major surgery. I am now back home and hope to do some crafting and I will post when I do. Thanks for understand!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
May Arts Challenge
Here are some things I worked on for May Arts Challenge. This is right up my ally because I LOVE ribbon!! I love it! I don't think I use it enough because, yes, I hoard it! But I am coming to realize I have so much stuff, including ribbon, that I am going to do my best to use it. I mean, why let it sit there?? Put it on something to make it beautiful so other's can enjoy. So that is MY challenge. Use what I have and try not to hoard anymore. Yea, I know, easier said that done. :) Okay on to my creations..
This is my Mother's Day frame:
I started with a picture frame I bought on clearance at Hobby Lobby (first time I have ever been there and I was in awww) when I was in Charlotte this past weekend. It has some cushion under the pink fabric and I thought it would hold the ribbon in place nicely. I layered the ribbon around the edges and then put it back together. I loved the green backing and though it would look very nice with the rich purple ribbon. I printed off a poem from the internet, and viola, a nice present for my mom for Mother's Day.

And here is My Ribbon Fund jar:
I knew what I wanted to do in making a jar to hold change. I started with an empty cottage cheese container but the way the sides sloped down, I had a hard time getting paper to fit just right. Then I emptied a jar of peanut butter and saw the sides were straight all the way down. I quickly cleaned it and started working on my change jar. I loved how it turned out and can't wait to fill it so I can purchase more ribbon because I love ribbon so!!

This is my Mother's Day frame:
I started with a picture frame I bought on clearance at Hobby Lobby (first time I have ever been there and I was in awww) when I was in Charlotte this past weekend. It has some cushion under the pink fabric and I thought it would hold the ribbon in place nicely. I layered the ribbon around the edges and then put it back together. I loved the green backing and though it would look very nice with the rich purple ribbon. I printed off a poem from the internet, and viola, a nice present for my mom for Mother's Day.
And here is My Ribbon Fund jar:
I knew what I wanted to do in making a jar to hold change. I started with an empty cottage cheese container but the way the sides sloped down, I had a hard time getting paper to fit just right. Then I emptied a jar of peanut butter and saw the sides were straight all the way down. I quickly cleaned it and started working on my change jar. I loved how it turned out and can't wait to fill it so I can purchase more ribbon because I love ribbon so!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Scrapbook pages
Allen has told me since I have my own blog about my crafty items that I needed to take pictures of all my layouts and post them here so I would have them all in one place. Well I can only upload 5 pictures at a time so I will do what I can with each entry. I was showing all my layouts to a friend and I counted 33 up until this weekend when I did 8. WooHoo!! I didn't realize how many I had done so far this year. My goal is to make 100. Wish me luck! :)

Monday, March 15, 2010
Creativity and Love blogspot
Check this giveaway out! She is giving away $50 in embellies. What a generous prize. And if you check out her Etsy shop, what beautiful stuff!! Have a good one!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
ScrapFIT submission
Over at ScrapFIT,link is the title, they are doing an AAM, All About Me, challenge that is due today, 3-14-20, at midnight. This is right up my ally since I am working on my All About Me album. This challenge is perfect!! I always my own worst critic, and there are elements I don't like about the layout, but I really like my homemade flower from Allen's dry cleaning tags. Isn't it cute? I made my own embelishment!! I pat myself on the back for that one. TeeHee Check out what I did. The first picture is small because it is a 2-pager, but you can click on it and see it much bigger. LOL

Here is what the journaling says:
7:00 – Get up from my slumber. Take my shower, get dressed, make lunches for the kids, wake them up (again and again), help them get breakfast, make sure all are dressed and book bags are by the door.
8:20-8:40 – Andrew and Emma on the bus. After they are on the bus, get Ian ready for preschool and finish up last minute chores.
9:05-9:20 – Ian to preschool. After he is dropped off, then I run errands. I drop off clothes at the cleaners, go grocery shopping at Harris Teeter, Lowe’s Foods, Aldi, or BJ’s, get the van filled with gas, go to the mall to shop at Archiver’s, go to other craft stores, go to the post office, attend a play group with Erin, or any other errand I have for that day.
11:50-12:05 – Pick up Ian from preschool. Then we go home. I will fix them lunch and while they are eating, I may check my email or check Facebook. I may even put a load of clothes in the washer. After this, I may get me something to eat. I even will play with the kids a little.
2:00ish – Lay Erin down for a nap. Play with Ian for a little while. This is more likely when I get something to eat for lunch. I may try to do a little crafting. I may even do some laundry or other housework.
4:00 – Andrew and Emma get home from school. Try to help with school work. Try to figure out what is for dinner. Crafting???
6:00-7:00 – Allen gets home and we usually have dinner. After dinner, I may help with cleaning up and getting the kids a bath. But Allen usually does this. He will even put the kids to bed. It is his time with them since he hasn’t seen them during the day.
8:30-9:00 – Kids are put to bed. After they are in bed, Allen and I will either putz on the computer, watch some TV or a movie together, I may scrapbook and he will play his hacking game.
11:00-1:00AM – I usually go to bed during this time and watch the back of my eyelids. Allen has timed me before and I can fall asleep in less than 1 ½ minutes if I am really tired.
Here is what the journaling says:
7:00 – Get up from my slumber. Take my shower, get dressed, make lunches for the kids, wake them up (again and again), help them get breakfast, make sure all are dressed and book bags are by the door.
8:20-8:40 – Andrew and Emma on the bus. After they are on the bus, get Ian ready for preschool and finish up last minute chores.
9:05-9:20 – Ian to preschool. After he is dropped off, then I run errands. I drop off clothes at the cleaners, go grocery shopping at Harris Teeter, Lowe’s Foods, Aldi, or BJ’s, get the van filled with gas, go to the mall to shop at Archiver’s, go to other craft stores, go to the post office, attend a play group with Erin, or any other errand I have for that day.
11:50-12:05 – Pick up Ian from preschool. Then we go home. I will fix them lunch and while they are eating, I may check my email or check Facebook. I may even put a load of clothes in the washer. After this, I may get me something to eat. I even will play with the kids a little.
2:00ish – Lay Erin down for a nap. Play with Ian for a little while. This is more likely when I get something to eat for lunch. I may try to do a little crafting. I may even do some laundry or other housework.
4:00 – Andrew and Emma get home from school. Try to help with school work. Try to figure out what is for dinner. Crafting???
6:00-7:00 – Allen gets home and we usually have dinner. After dinner, I may help with cleaning up and getting the kids a bath. But Allen usually does this. He will even put the kids to bed. It is his time with them since he hasn’t seen them during the day.
8:30-9:00 – Kids are put to bed. After they are in bed, Allen and I will either putz on the computer, watch some TV or a movie together, I may scrapbook and he will play his hacking game.
11:00-1:00AM – I usually go to bed during this time and watch the back of my eyelids. Allen has timed me before and I can fall asleep in less than 1 ½ minutes if I am really tired.
This blog is for...
all my crafting creations by either stampin' or scrappin'. I will also post items here that I have made for submissions from various crafty sites. I am new at blogging my projects so forgive me if I don't know what I am doing. Maybe I should post the items I use, that is if I have time and I actually remember where they came from or their names. LOL I hope all who see this blog enjoys what I have done. Happy crafting!!! :)
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