Friday, December 16, 2011

RACK - neighborhood goodies

The kids and I made banana bread and oatmeal raisin cookies for our neighbors. This was another one of our RACK's (Random Acts of Christmas Kindness). We packaged them up with ribbon and ties and off we set to deliver to our neighbors. We have 22 homes on our street, yes that's the whole neighborhood!! So we set out and delivered 18 of our homemade goodies! Not to bad if I say so myself. The next day, I had the kids deliver the others to the neighbors that weren't home. They really had a great time delivering and each took a turn going to the door to hand the neighbor the treat. Everyone was so receptive and it was another great experience for the kids in their giving! I even got a Christmas card from one of the neighbors thanking me for the cookies and wished us a Merry Christmas. Wonder what is on our agenda for next time. LOL This is a dark and blurry picture of this one, but you can see the basket holding the goodies. Hope you enjoyed this RACK!

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